Brief: I embarked on a 3 day and 2 night expedition with Himkala Adventure to trek in The Valley Fringe with some sightseeing along the way. This valley is located just east of Kathmandu. Walking through this valley from village to…
Hello! Are you considering doing the Free Walking Tour? It will definitely be one of the highlights of your trip and a great way to get your bearings in the city. I’ve done the walking tour with Shiva several times now and…
DÍA 1: 18/07/2017. POKHARA, LA CIUDAD ENCANTADORA El primer día de esta fascinante aventura, nos trasladamos en autobús desde Katmandú a Pokhara. Aunque el trayecto se nos hizo un poco largo por el tráfico, me siento feliz de decir…
The Right Path Nepal is home to an array of mountain ranges and magnificent walking trails. So when it comes time to plan your journey it can be a bit challenging to know which trail may be right for…